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Hospital Elevators

Fuji Korea
2.5 m/s
Max. Load
2000 Kg
Max. No. of Persons
Up to 26

Standard Function

Running function

  • Attendant running——Elevator is operated by attendant, attendant press car calls as request of passengers and elevator will run to the destination floor according to the car calls.
  • Automatic adjustment of door opening time——According to current registered landing call and call call situation, system will automaticlly adjust the door open holding time
  • Door re-open at same floor——When door is closing, door can re-opened by pushing landing call button at current floor.
  • Car arrival gong——Arrival gong on the car top advices passengers that elevator arrives.
  • Anti terminal over running protection——There are final limit switch to protect the elevator.
  • Car call cancel——If passengers press the wrong floor button in car, same button press it again can cancel the wrong register.
  • Parking——When electric key switch is turn off, elevator enters into parking state, it will not serve to any landing call.
  • Protection device for accidental movement of the car——In case of accidental movement that the car leaves the landing floor while the landing door is unlocked as well as the car door keeps open, protection device to prevent or stop such movement should be equipped.

Safety function

  • Light curtain protection——When light curtain is sheltered, door will stop closing at once and automatically open.
  • Overload stop——When elevator is overload, elevator door keeps opening, buzz rings and elevator stops at the current floor.
  • Inspection operation——When elevator enters into inspection state, car runs in jog state.
  • Troubleshooting——Controller can record faults in memory to facilitate the fault elimination and restore elevator running.
  • Auto-stop with fault——When there is any fault occurred in elevator running, when safety circuit is valid, elevator lands to the nearest floor.
  • Repeat open / close door——On normal mode, after running door close command, if door inter-lock circuit isn’t connected, elevator opens door and closes it again.
  • Top/bottom limit and final limit protection——The devices can prevent elevator from crashing to the top or bottom of hoistway in case that elevator is out of control with fault it ensures the safety and reliability.
  • Down running protection——When elevator runs down in over speed, this device cuts off the control power to stop the motor running .safety gear is motivated to force elevator to stop and ensure the safety.
  • Up running protection——When elevator runs up in over speed, the device forces elevator to decelerate and braking.
  • Safety circuit protection——When elevator circuit is break or contacts are adhered, elevator stops running at once.
  • Door interlock protection——Only all doors are completely closed, elevator can run. when door interlock contacts are adhered, elevator stops running at once.
  • Main contactor protection——System detects if the main contactor acts reliably, if any abnormal is deteted, elevator stops running at once.
  • Brake detecting protection ——System detects the brake state, if there is any abnormal or braking contacts are adhered, elevator can’t start running.

Human-machine interface

  • Micro push button——C.O.P.and H.O.P. both adopts new micro push button.
  • Running state display——System can indicates running direction, floor, door state, default ect.
  • No stop floor set——Set the no stop floor according to the customer’ requirement.
  • Homing floor set——Set the homing floor according to the customer’ requirement.
  • Hoistway self-learning——Through hoistway self-learning, system can measure out the distance between every floor and record them permanently

Energy Saving

  • Fan & light automatic off——If there is no car call or landing call in a preset time, car inner fan and light will be turn off automatically.

Energy-saving function

  • Automatic turn off lighting and fan——Lighting and fan will cut off power automatically without any call or indication in 3 minutes.

Optional Function

Running function

  • Door close delay——Pushing the door open button in car can prolong the door open state for a period.
  • Fire emergency return ——In fire emergency state, all landing calls are eliminated, elevator runs to the preset floor and open door.
  • Duplex control function——This function is for two elevators ’ duplex control, it can reduce waiting time and improve the running efficiency
  • Opposite door control——By setting opposite system can control it1 s action on corresponding floor.

Human-machine interface

  • Sub-C.O.P.——It is used for large load elevator, so that make more convenient for passengers.
  • IC card control——All (part) of the floors need entry approval, only with 1C card can run the elevator.

Emergency Function

  • Automatic Rescue Device (ADR)——When power is off, this device supplies power to elevator, elevator runs to the nearest floor, open its door and evacuates the passengers.

Monitor function

  • Traction machine monitor——The monitor for machine room less elevator installed on the traction machine top can monitor the traction machine state